Dietary facts about the Standard American Diet

It’s estimated that a minimum of 80% of all healthcare dollars are spent on treatment of conditions that are preventable.

70% of Americans are overweight or obese.

Childhood obesity has tripled in the last 30 years: One out of three American children is overweight or obese.

Rates of type 2 diabetes increased by 22% among U.S. adults from 1999 to 2008.

The U.S. spends substantially more on health care than other developed countries. As of 2009, health spending in the U.S. was about 90% higher than in many other industrialized countries, yet it ranks near the bottom in health outcomes.


63% refined and processed foods: empty calories with little benefit.

25% animal based products: meat, dairy and eggs; heavy in fat and dietary cholesterol.

12% plant-based foods, with 6% of this being from French fries, leaving a paltry 6% of daily caloric intake coming from plant-based foods (this number also includes things like fruit juice and ketchup).

We’re consuming an average of 185 pounds of added sugar and sweeteners each year.

We’re consuming an average of 3,400 milligrams of salt a day, more than double the recommended amount (triple the amount recommended by many experts), with the majority derived from processed food.

Typical results of correct diet after just a few months:

Other amazing stats:

Your results will vary depending on your current state of health. This information is not being used to diagnose, cure or treat any patients and is being given solely for the purpose of education. Please see a doctor for medical problems.
